Sunday School Video
The Unforgiving Servant
Jesus forgives us, so we should forgive others.
Matt. 18:21-35
Sunday School
For Grades 1 – 4, we use a high-energy, Bible-based, interactive hands-on curriculum. After check-in, children go to their appropriate classroom to be greeted and to gather in large group where they will worship God using a variety of time-honored and contemporary, age-appropriate Christian songs; hear the Bible story and learn about Bible truths through creative and interactive story-telling.
Kids Service Times
Meeting Indoors at 9:00 AM and 10:45 AM every Sunday.
Children in this age group will be part of an exciting, fun-filled environment as they participate in interactive large and small group activities. Our goal is to foster an environment where your child will learn: more about God’s greatness and goodness; to choose ways to show God how they love, trust and obey Him through worship, prayer, attitudes and actions; that God has a special plan for each believer; and how to serve Jesus by serving others in the church, the community and the world.
Weekly Programs
AWANA Sparks
Sparks is a weekly program for Kinder – 2nd graders. Your child will learn about God, His Son and His Word through an activity book.
Find out more info on our Awana page.

T&T is a weekly program from Awana Clubs designed for 3rd-6th graders. Your child will learn about God, memorize bible verses and discover life applications for scripture.
Find out more info on our Awana page.