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Join our Team and Serve

"A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other… All of you together are Christ’s body, each of you is a part of it.
1 Corinthians 12:13, 27
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Discover Your Ministry Potential

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Discover Your Spiritual Gifts

Spiritual Gifts Survey

You will need to enter your e-mail address and create a account to recieve your results.

Need a Badge?

Currently serving at Creekside and need a LiveScan or Photo?

Find Community

Just as God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit working together in all things, we are designed to work together as one church body (community) with many parts (people).

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Make a Difference

God works through our spiritual gifts to touch others with His love; experience God in action, working through you to bless others.

Have Fun

Experience deep satisfaction and look forward to serving again.

Easter Volunteer You Belong Here

Find Purpose

God's plans for us fit just how He made us; we learn more about who we were created to be when we serve Him.

Obey God

When we've begun to grasp God's overwhelming love for us, we desire to follow and obey Him.

Seniors Guest Table

Ready to serve?

Join our Team and Serve

Not sure where to serve?

Use our Serve Decision Tree tool to get a personalized recommendation

Ann & Loren Runsten

Serve Coordinators

Loren and Ann began attending Creekside in January 2017 as...