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Our Women's Ministry exists to provide an environment where women are encouraged and equipped to know Christ fully and share His love with others.

Women's Bible Studies

Fall Morning Bible Studies

Grow in your relationship with God, whether you’ve studied the Bible for years or are just getting started!

Participants must purchase their own study guides.  Links to various vendors will be provided when you register.


Womens fall bible study title

Fall Evening Bible Study

Facilitator: Jamie Sanger

NOTE: There will be no meeting on October 10.

Join us for the Women’s Bible Study “When You Pray” with contributions from a variety of authors. We will explore six different types of prayers modeled in Scripture that will inspire your own prayer life.

A link to purchase your study guide will be provided when you register.

Womens fall bible study title
GBS Church Slide Undated

"Going Beyond" Simulcast
with Priscilla Shirer

Cost: $15 per person (includes lunch)
Doors open at 8:30am

Registration starts September 12

Heart 2 Heart Moms

Fall Semester Dates:
Sept 5 & 19, Oct 3 & 17, Nov 7 & 21, Dec 5 

Heart2Heart Moms is designed for mothers with children still in the home. Time together includes breakfast, special events and guest speakers.

It is our desire to provide a place where each woman feels welcomed and cared for through relationships with other moms and our Titus 2 Mothers.

We are pleased to support families by offering KidsCare for nursery through 6th grade at a minimal cost.  Pre-registration is required.  Drop-off starts at 9:00am.

IMPORTANT: Please email Debbie Johnson, the KidsCare Coordinator, if your child will not be attending a meeting. It is crucial for staffing purposes that she is informed so that she may plan accordingly. In the event of two sequential no-shows without informing Debbie, we will need to drop your child(ren) from KidsCare so that we may accommodate children from the waitlist.

Questions?  Contact Christine Benson

Creekside Cookbook
Centennial Edition

Join us in creating a Creekside Cookbook as a celebration of our centennial year! We are excited to add to our rich history of community, including cookbooks, but we need your help.

Please click on the button below to submit your favorite recipe(s). There will be tabs to select the category as well as to signify if there is a dietary consideration. We would prefer you upload a typed recipe so that it will be clear for those who will be formatting the book.

If you have any questions or are having challenges with uploading your recipe, please contact Loren or Ann Runsten.

Please submit your recipe by September 25. 


Cost: $15 per book.
Please click below to place your order by November 14.
Cookbooks can be picked up after the Women's Christmas Coffee
on Saturday, December 7 or in the Atrium between services on Sunday, December 8.


Proceeds from the sales of the Centennial Cookbook
will be donated to Courage Worldwide.  

Courage Worldwide is committed to providing safe houses and resources for child victims of sex trafficking so they can reach their full potential.  This organization is supported by Creekside and a team recently visited their ministry in Tanzania.

You can make an additional optional donation to this ministry when you place your order.

For more information about Courage Worldwide, please click below.

Sewing supplies and accessories for needlework. Craft hobby background. Recomforting, destressing hobby

Ladies Craft Night

Next Date - September 18

Hey Ladies!  If you enjoy crafting, whether it be Card-making, Needlework, Painting, or Quilting, join us for a fun evening of fellowship and creativity!  If you have always wanted to learn a new craft, you are invited to join too! All supplies for Card making are provided and cards will be designed to be used in ministries at Creekside. Please bring your own supplies if you will be working on other projects.

Women's Groups


Sunday Bible Study

Study the Bible with a loving, prayerful group of women. All ages are welcome.

Dorcas Circle

Dorcas Circle

Our circle is a service group supporting and ministering to the needs of local and global missions by making quilts, cutting and rolling bandages, and more.

Next Meeting - October 2

Event Calendar

Women's Ministry Staff

Christine Benson

Position: Women's Coordinator
Phone: (916) 685-4821x367
Email: christine@creeksideeg.com
Categories: Discipleship Pathway
Christine began attending Creekside in 1991 when her family moved to the Elk Grove area. Since she practically grew up in our church, we were very excited to have her join staff in the summer of 2021 – 30 years later and after serving 10+ years as a lay leader in Women’s ministries! She was 6 when she accepted the Lord and was baptized in 4th grade. Christine grew up and has always lived in the Sacramento area, was married in 2005 and has 2 young children. She enjoys baking, reading and hiking. Her two favorite bible verses/passages are: · John 16:33 – I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. · Daniel 3:16-18 – Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego replied to him, “King Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us from Your Majesty’s hand. But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.

Christine Benson

Women's Coordinator

Christine began attending Creekside in 1991 when her family moved...

About Women's Ministry

Women put down deep spiritual roots through Bible study classes. They connect through all ages and stages of life; there are meaningful groups for everyone. We try to point women toward God, inspiring and encouraging them as they deal with contemporary, universal issues. Our women also tangibly care for people in our community.

We have intentionally addressed the various age and stage needs of women, and how God can give us His love, light, and truth to help us navigate life. This is how we do that week in and week out:

We exist to bring women to Jesus; to help them know what it's like to really know how much they are loved; to give women the opportunity to find true hope and healing in the midst of a sometimes dark and frightening world.

Through our ministry, we hope that women recognize that only Jesus can meet the deepest needs of their hearts, turning their lives over to Him, that they continue to grow in their relationship with God and that God helps them find hope and healing, both individually and in relationships.

Contact Us

If we can serve you, contact us today.