Ann & Loren Runsten
Loren and Ann began attending Creekside in January 2017 as Scott began his Route 66 sermon series. They joined staff as a team in 2022. Loren accepted Christ at 14; Ann accepted Christ as her personal Lord and Savior at 35. They were married in 2011 and are now empty nesters with 3 adult children and 2 adult exchange-student children. Loren grew up in Modesto before moving to Elk Grove. Ann grew up in Sacramento and then lived in New England. They have served Christ in various ways long before joining staff at Creekside — both on mission as public school teachers. Ann also ran a church outreach ministry turned non-profit in low-income apartment complexes and helped in-laws and elderly friends navigate health issues. They see serving Christ as a lifestyle, not an occupation. They enjoy Bible study, camping, hiking, travel, special projects, and vegan cooking/eating. Loren also enjoys sports. Ann’s favorite passage is Isaiah 61; Loren’s is 1 Corinthians 13.