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ENCORE Ministries are uniquely designed to minister to the needs of adults 60 years and older. We provide serving opportunities and help keep them involved in the ministry activities and vision of the church.

Coffee Connection

This is a welcoming space for the widowed to gather, share and build meaningful relationships with others who share their journey.  Together, we find comfort, encouragement and hope.

Registration coming soon!

Coffee Connection Web-01 (002)

Weekly Bible Studies


Join this friendly group of 60+ adults for an interactive Bible Study led by Elder Mike Otto.

Participants will engage and grow spiritually while studying a book of the Bible together.  No registration is required and walk-ins are welcome!
Contact: Mike Otto

No meeting on December 26.


Sunday School led by Mike Jones.
A warm and friendly crowd will be pleased to welcome you to this on-going, in-depth Bible study.
No registration required.

No meeting on December 22. 

What We Do

ENCORE Ministry provides:

Pastoral Care

Sunday School

Mid-Week Bible Studies

Social/Outreach Activities

Volunteer/Ministry Opportunities

Spiritual Counseling

Memorial, Funeral and Wedding Services

Our Core Values

  • Provide a sense of community and a sense of connection, participation and inclusion in the various ministries and activities of Creekside.
  • Provide ministry opportunities for adults who are 60+ and prepare them to fulfill those needs.
  • Provide spiritual encouragement, counsel and pastoral care as needed.

Bob Speizer

Senior Adults Pastor

Bob and his wife, Nancy, have been attending Creekside since...

Contact Us

For questions or information about the ENCORE ministry and fellowship, simply contact us here.