Lois Sherwin
Lois began attending Creekside in 2023 when she was called as Kids’ Pastor. She accepted Christ at age 5 with her mom. Coming to Christ as a young child gives her a huge heart for helping connect kids with the love and forgiveness of Jesus, and the joy of life in Him.
She grew up volunteering in children’s ministry and has served in full time vocational kids ministry since 1996. Lois is very happily married to the newly retired Dr. Nick Sherwin, who served 26 years as Strategy Professor at Biola University. They have two adult children, Jennifer and Nick Jr, a beautiful daughter-in-love, Meghan, and three precious grandchildren, Lillie, Eva, and Lachlan. Lois grew up in Southern California. She lived for two glorious years in the Pocono Mountains of Northeast PA. The Sherwin’s are excited about this next season of ministry at Creekside! Lois enjoys hiking, reading, baking, swimming, biking, and listening to Nick play music. She is a certified scuba diver and loves the ocean. She is a DMin student at Talbot School of Theology studying Spiritual Formation and Soul Care as it relates to children and families. Her favorite passage is:
· John 3:16-17 – For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.