Stephanie Paige
Stephanie has been teaching preschool since 1999 and started working at Shining Stars in 2011. She grew up in San Jose, attended Azuza Pacific University, then moved to the Sacramento area in 2005. She married her husband Dan in 2004, and along with their three kids, they are a sports family! Dan coaches football at Bradshaw Christian, and their boys play hockey and participate in competitive swimming. When they aren’t at a sporting event, Stephanie likes to spend time with her family and friends, read, travel, shop, and take walks with their dog. Stephanie was in first grade when she accepted Christ at Campbell Christian School during chapel. Her favorite verse is:
· Micah 6:8 – He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.