
Creekside Outreach is here to help you intentionally love your neighbors, make disciples, and impact our community for God's glory by connecting you with opportunities to live out your faith within your God-given passions and gifting. 

Local Outreach

Learn how you can get involved to reach people in Elk Grove and the greater Sacramento area!

Global Missions

Explore Creekside's global connections that seek to bring the gospel to the very ends of the earth.

Discover Your Passion

What avenue of ministry captures your heart? What ways are you wired to serve and make disciples?

Upcoming In Outreach

Helping Hands Ministry Team

Join the Helping Hands Ministry today! We serve together to meet the many needs of our Creekside family and neighbors!

This is an incredible opportunity to care for others in the name of Jesus by following the model of the early church. The tasks vary but ALL are welcome to join the team who have a heart to serve and make a difference in the lives of others right here in Elk Grove/Sacramento!

Disaster Response Team

Join the Creekside Disaster Response Team TODAY!!

Sign up here to receive information about upcoming trips and ongoing opportunities to serve in areas where disaster has uprooted the lives of our neighbors.

Wheelchair & Walker Drive!

Creekside is partnering with Joni & Friends to collect wheelchairs and walkers now until May 18!

Drop off new or used mobility devices at the Creekside office Sunday mornings or during office hours throughout the week! And make sure to join us as we load the semi-truck on May 18!


Reaching our community together!

Homeless Ministry

Resettled Neighbor Outreach

Other Opportunities

Help others say "yes" to Jesus

Experience joy and satisfaction following up with people who are inquiring about Jesus or make first time commitments to Christ.

Sign Up for The Yes Team


To the ends of the earth...

Compassion International

Church Planting and Child Sponsorships in Ecuador & Peru

Creekside has the vision to help end extreme poverty and transform the country of Ecuador and northern Peru in Jesus name. To do this, Creekside is partnering with Compassion International to plant churches that are community hubs for child development, sponsor children, and deepen relationships through sponsor trips.

How to Get Involved

Change the life of a child living in extreme poverty in Ecuador by sponsoring them.

For $43/month you can provide life-changing opportunities such as:
  • Gospel proclamation through ongoing connection with church centers
  • Education
  • Medical check ups and emergency intervention
  • Nutritional provision
  • Academic tutoring
If you have any issues with your sponsorship, you can call Compassion International at 800-33-7676 Monday through Friday, 7a.m. to 5:30p.m. MT.


Ansari Initiative

Creekside has the vision to reach those far from Christ, especially those who live where they have little access to the gospel. India has the highest percentage of unreached peoples in the world. Creekside is partnering with a team of national pastors who are focusing on one unreached people group, the Ansari.

Ansari Initiative Logo

Mission Partners

Who We Partner With

Alternatives Pregnancy Center

Asia Leadership
Development Network




Cameroon Baptist Theological Seminary




Creekside Foster Adoption Ministry

Creekside Jail

Creekside Ministry to the Poor & Homeless


Elk Grove Food Bank Services

Elk Grove HART

Elk Grove
Teen Center USA


Intervarsity Christian Fellowship


J.C. & Us


Love INC

Making Disciples

White Cross



One Challenge

Pacific Justice




Training Leaders

Union Gospel

William Jessup


Young Life
Elk Grove

Youth for Christ

Youth for Christ

Missions Staff

Matt Rau

Position: Outreach Pastor
Phone: (916) 685-4821x111
Email: matt.r@creeksideeg.com
Categories: Discipleship Pathway, Missions, Pastors
Matt is an Elk Grove native and originally attended Creekside from the time he was in the nursery until graduating high school. After graduation he moved away to go to college at Azusa Pacific University and then began working in youth ministry in Branson, Missouri. He has worked in full-time ministry since 2013 and moved back home to join the staff team at Creekside in 2018. Matt got married to Amy in July 2020 and their first son Matt Jr. “MJ” was added to the family in July 2021, soon to joined by Bennett in December of 2022. Other than chasing after his little guys, Matt loves all things outdoors! Biking, hiking, rock climbing, sports, you name it and he’s in! his favorite passage is:

· Psalm 63:1-8 – God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water. So I have looked upon you in the sanctuary, beholding your power and glory. Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you. So I will bless you as long as I live; in your name I will lift up my hands. My soul will be satisfied as with fat and rich food, and my mouth will praise you with joyful lips, when I remember you upon my bed, and meditate on you in the watches of the night; for you have been my help, and in the shadow of your wings I will sing for joy. My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me.

Matt loves that this passage draws attention to our true and deep inner longing for our Creator while giving recognition to the reality that the Lords steadfast love is the greatest thing we can cling to in this life, He is our strength and in Him alone is true satisfaction.

Matt Rau

Outreach Pastor

Matt is an Elk Grove native and originally attended Creekside...

About Creekside Outreach & Missions

Our mission is to join God on His mission to reach and redeem this world from sin and brokenness.  We do this through strategic partnerships with missionaries and mission organizations locally and worldwide, by training and equipping people to live as disciple-makers, and by offering dozens of opportunities for people to actively engage in God’s global mission.

Missions | REACH exists to help people obey Jesus' final instructions “ you will be my witnesses” (Acts 1:8) within the context of the Great Commission “go and make disciples” (Matthew 28:19-20) and within the confines of Jesus' return timetable “the gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world to all nations, and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14).  Creekside desires to train and equip people to live missionally and be disciple makers and to resource kingdom building until all nations, tribes, peoples and languages (Revelation 7:9) have been reached.

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