

Connect to God through faith in Jesus Christ and to the local church. We want to help people discover what it means to have life through an authentic connection to God and His Church.

Our I'm New page has everything you need to know about our Sunday services. We look forward to meeting you!

Faith in Jesus

We want everyone to connect with God and know Him in a personal way by accepting His gift of salvation.


The faith-step of water baptism is core to our beliefs, as we identify with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus in a symbol of a commitment to Him.

Church Membership

Our Next Steps Journey is the gateway to church membership. Learn about our purpose, values, leadership, and history.


Grow in relationship with God (vertically) and in relationship with other Christ-followers (horizontally). A true sign of life is constant growth. Our hope is that people will learn to know and live in response to God's love.


Strengthen your personal relationship with the Lord and become better equipped to share your faith by meeting together with someone a few steps ahead of you on the journey.

Picture of a page with columns of verses and scriptures to read ever day,

Commit yourself to growing spiritually by reading through the entire Bible over the next 365 days. If that's too daunting of a challenge, try tackling just the New Testament.

Download our Read The Bible In A Year guide to get started.

RightNow Media

By partnering with RightNow Media, Creekside is giving you free access to the biggest video Bible study library in the world. You are just a few clicks away from a huge library of discipleship content and Bible study aids for adults, students, and kids.


We have been designed to live in community with other Christians. LifeGroups help us develop Christ-centered relationships and “live life together.”

Your gifts allow God's work to be done in this church, as well as in our community and the world at large.



Serve the local church by recognizing and utilizing each person's God-given hardwiring. Our desire is to walk with people in discovering how God has uniquely equipped each one to strengthen Christ's Church and bring joy to their souls.

Learn how God has spiritually "wired" you for service by taking a Spiritual Gifts Survey.*

*A free account is required to receive your results.

Experience God as you serve for the good of your local church and for His glory.


Reach those far from Christ, locally and globally, with the good news we have in Jesus Christ and inviting them to know and follow Him. Our desire is to equip people so they can confidently declare and demonstrate their faith in Jesus Christ through words and deeds.


Confidently share your salvation story by preparing what to say in advance.

Reach people in Elk Grove by participating in local missions opportunities.

We're committed to spreading the gospel to the very ends of the earth.

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