Scott Hansen
Scott Hansen took a long and crazy journey to get to where he joined Creekside staff in 2014. He was born and raised in California. His pre-college days included becoming an Eagle Scout, traveling Europe a couple of times in a pop music group, and singing in a rock band. By the end of his senior year in high school, Scott lost his oldest brother in a tragic car accident. It was this family crisis that eventually led Scott to begin secretly reading the Bible and coming to know Jesus Christ in a direct, personal way.
Scott’s actual call into ministry came in 1982, and the next year he began three years of seminary, followed by 18 years of service as a missionary in Europe with his wife Michelle and kids. Scott is an avid student of history and uses this passion to bring us insights into the life and times of the ancient world, specifically Israel and the Middle East. One of his favorite verses is:
· Habakkuk 2:14 – For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.