Allison Otto

Position: Student Ministries Pastor
Categories: Pastors, Student & Young Adult Ministries

Allison started attending Creekside in 2022 and joined the staff in 2023. God has given her a soft heart towards Him, and she came to accept Jesus as her Savior before the age of five. Allison has worked in youth ministry since 2008, serving both locally and in the Denver Metro area. She is married with one child and one fur baby. She grew up locally attending school in the Elk Grove Unified School District and at Sacramento State and has a heart to reach students who are far from the Lord, especially on high school and junior high campuses. Allison loves all things piano (playing and giving lessons), dogs (and all animals in general), live music (especially the Backstreet Boys and BTS), visiting national parks to experience and enjoy God’s creation, and spending time with her loving and supportive family and friends. One of her favorite verses is:

· 1 Corinthians 10:31 – So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.