Brand Assets

We have many brand assets that are used to represent ministries or groups within our church. Please contact the Communications Department to obtain a copy of any assets.

The Wave

Creekside uses a layered wave graphic comprised of varying shades of Creekside Blue. This is used as a supporting graphic in many church-wide designs such as business cards and brochures.

The Wave

The Dip

The Dip is a silhouette of the Wave graphic. It comes only in Creekside Blue. This is used in circumstances where the wave graphic is too busy, such as the footer of the website.



The LifeGroup logo. Inspired by the Generica font, this logo represents the growth in Christ that happens within our LifeGroups. It comes in dark green and white.

LifeGroups Logo

Kids Ministry

The Creekside Kids logo. Inspired by the Fredericka the Great font.

Kids Logo Comparison

Student Ministries

The Student Ministries logo comes in black and white.

StuMin Logo Smaller

KALEO Young Adults

A slightly different shade than Serve Orange, the KALEO logo only comes in one color.

Kaleo Sketch Final Creekside transparent copy (2)

Men's Ministry

The Men's Ministry logo comes in Creekside blue, white, and black.

Men's Ministry Logo Comparison

Women's Ministry

The Men's Ministry logo comes in Creekside blue, white, and black.

Women's Ministry Logo Comparison

Encore 60+ Ministry

The Encore 60+ Ministry logo comes in Creekside blue, white, and black.

Encore Logo Comparison

Worship Ministry

The Worship Ministry logo comes in Creekside blue, white, and black.

Worship Ministry Logo Comparison

Team Creekside

The Team Creekside logo comes in Creekside blue, white, and black.

Team Creekside Logo Comparison

Pastoral Care

The Pastoral Care logo comes in Creekside blue, white, and black.

pastoral care logo-01

Guest Services

The Guest Services logo comes in Creekside blue, white, and black.

Guest Services Logo Comparison